View Full Version : The BLUE wire and the GREEN wire

03-29-2014, 01:49 PM
'' Tom do you know if the relay line is ground triggered or powered? ''

I was asking myself the exact same question.

Ok just completed my test on the scope.

The GREEN wire is +5V triggered when an alert begins and it stays +5V until the alert completes. (ie this is *NOT* directly related to the firing of the laser diode)
The BLUE wire is GROUND triggered and will ground when the alert begins and will stay grounded until the alert completes.

03-29-2014, 02:16 PM
So is the green wire the relay and the blue the mute? They both turn "on" and "off" at the same time?

A nice-to-have would be an output that activates based on actual jamming instead of the duration of the alert. Maybe a setting in a future firmware update.

Does the LED indicate when jamming starts and stops? Like on the LI, where the LED flashes during jamming and steady when not, even when the audio alert is still playing.

Inquiring minds of jammer auto-kill developers want to know. ;)

03-29-2014, 03:10 PM
So is the green wire the relay and the blue the mute? They both turn "on" and "off" at the same time?
A nice-to-have would be an output that activates based on actual jamming instead of the duration of the alert. Maybe a setting in a future firmware update.
Does the LED indicate when jamming starts and stops? Like on the LI, where the LED flashes during jamming and steady when not, even when the audio alert is still playing.
Inquiring minds of jammer auto-kill developers want to know. ;)

Both turn ON and OFF at the same time.
The LED starts and stops like you want IF you have it in PRO mode.

We will have to ask about that in a future update.

03-29-2014, 04:57 PM
'' The BLUE wire is GROUND triggered and will ground when the alert begins and will stay grounded until the alert completes. ''
Question :

During an attack , if one of the button is pressed (thus returning to park status) does the ground
is cut off ? This a small detail i cannot test at the moment .
I plan to use this wire for a brake light kill relay.

I know that on the Li , the ground stays triggered even when the switch is set to detect only.


03-29-2014, 06:28 PM
Do the wires trigger when the parking mode senses an object also or only when in the defense mode (jamming)?

03-29-2014, 06:37 PM
'' The BLUE wire is GROUND triggered and will ground when the alert begins and will stay grounded until the alert completes. ''
Question :

During an attack , if one of the button is pressed (thus returning to park status) does the ground
is cut off ? This a small detail i cannot test at the moment .
I plan to use this wire for a brake light kill relay.

I know that on the Li , the ground stays triggered even when the switch is set to detect only.


The ground stays triggered as long as it is receiving a signal and then stops approximately 5 seconds after the head has received it's last pulse. (ie I stopped the gun and 5 seconds later it goes back to non-grounded / 0v depending on which wire you are using)

03-29-2014, 06:49 PM
I thought there was a setting to enable/disable either the relay or mute output when jamming, but looking on the update site I didn't see any setting to that effect. Maybe I'm imagining things?

Nice to know about the LED in Pro mode. I assume the auxiliary LED does this as well as the one in the control unit?

That sounds like the way to interface an ALP my auto-kill. I already have an LI compatible LED sense input, and a mute sense input. By using both, it can determine when jamming starts and stops, without falsely triggering due to parking mode signals, etc.

03-29-2014, 07:32 PM
^ First of all... you're imaging things... :highly_amused: seriously though yes the LED works the same as the control unit. It's for a stealth install when you don't want the control module visible.

05-25-2014, 08:23 PM
Updates : triggering a relay under an alert with the Green\Blue wires .

Got an email from the support ALP :

'' sorry, relays are not yet supported. We constantly work on new updates and functionality extensions, as you probably are aware of. Stay tuned for our newsletters, latest news are usually updated monthly.

Have a great day!
Your ALPriority Support team ''.

I tested with amperemeter : green\blue pushed 45milliwatts.
The smallest relay i tested , 3.5 volts coil , cannot be triggered ,
it draws 50 milliwatts.

I ordered a SSR solid state relay , 3 to 32 volts coil , i will test and report ,
it could work since it is supposed to use very little amperage.

Under alert , the polarity of green\blue is reversed , it is different from the Li which connects to ground
under alert \black wire\ .

06-14-2014, 11:37 PM
Update :

i recieved the SSR , solid state relay , rated to trigger from 3 to 32 volts .

Verdict : not enough juice to trigger.

One thing i realise with those SSR : with proper voltage it triggers only AC apparatus !

06-15-2014, 09:47 AM
You'll need to use a transistor to drive the relay.

A circuit like this will work on the green (5v) wire. Use a relay with a 12V coil.


06-15-2014, 07:37 PM
I've bought 2 of these, which should hopefully work on the +5V green wire ;

http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/IACS-1-Channel-Mini-Relay-Board-3V-5V-9V-12V-24V-DC-1CH-TTL-3A-Control-Arduino-/181021050180?pt=UK_BOI_Industrial_Automation_Contr ol_ET&var&hash=item2a25b20544&_uhb=1


Have yet to test it yet :)

06-15-2014, 08:56 PM
That looks like it will work. The issue is the ALP is sending I believe standard TTL I/O. (+5v). Which is just not enough to drive a relay. Using that device will allow you to drive a relay based on the Vcc on the board triggering when the ALP goes high. Let us know how you make out.

06-15-2014, 09:41 PM
I've bought 2 of these, which should hopefully work on the +5V green wire ;

http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/IACS-1-Channel-Mini-Relay-Board-3V-5V-9V-12V-24V-DC-1CH-TTL-3A-Control-Arduino-/181021050180?pt=UK_BOI_Industrial_Automation_Contr ol_ET&var&hash=item2a25b20544&_uhb=1


Have yet to test it yet :)

From the pdf specification , at 3 volts , it pulls 60ma , i hope it works though as i tested the output
of the source , the max is 45ma .

Which voltage did you order ?

Morale : please Al team , implement an easy way to trigger a 12 volts relay ....would make our life easier ,
thouh it is already in their plans :courage:

06-15-2014, 09:50 PM
Yes, although at 12V supply voltage (the ones I ordered as I will be switching a small 12Vdc load), its quoted as < 45mA 'on'

06-15-2014, 09:53 PM
What are you up to WB? Post in the secure Aussie section if its what I think you are doing...

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

06-15-2014, 10:34 PM
Yes, although at 12V supply voltage (the ones I ordered as I will be switching a small 12Vdc load), its quoted as < 45mA 'on'

I see , just to let you know my experience :

i bought a very tiny relay , coil rated 3volts dc , the wires were not able to trigger such relay ...pita.

06-15-2014, 10:41 PM
Thanks Tman - will let you know :)

This is also quoted in the ebay text ;

Control signal voltage: Data level (3.3v) or TTL (5v) Range is 1-12v DC - takes less than 20mA from logic source.

06-15-2014, 11:14 PM
At 20ma ....i think you got the solution !
I found this cheapy , is it working on the same principle ? they say TTL source for the signal , i guess it needs
another source (5volts) to trigger the relay ....not very familiar with Arduino system.

Thanks Tman - will let you know :)

This is also quoted in the ebay text ;

06-15-2014, 11:32 PM
At 20ma ....i think you got the solution !
I found this cheapy , is it working on the same principle ? they say TTL source for the signal , i guess it needs
another source (5volts) to trigger the relay ....not very familiar with Arduino system.

A bit confusing, as it says 1 channel, but shows 2 x VCC inputs, which I originally assumed would be for a second channel ?

It also says 5V relay, whereas mine, you could specify various input voltages, 12V, 24V etc. I'm not upto speed on electronics, so will let one of the others chime in !

06-16-2014, 07:19 AM
A bit confusing, as it says 1 channel, but shows 2 x VCC inputs, which I originally assumed would be for a second channel ?

It also says 5V relay, whereas mine, you could specify various input voltages, 12V, 24V etc. I'm not upto speed on electronics, so will let one of the others chime in !It has two Vccs because of the isolation circuit (opto-coupler). For your application they can be connected together. The Ctrl input would go to the relay wire on the ALP, and Vcc would go to a 5V supply (you may have to use a 7805 or 78L05 regulator or something). If you're using an Arduino it would have a 5V supply on-board.

A circuit with a 12V relay and a transistor would be simpler to implement since you wouldn't have to provide a 5V supply.

06-18-2014, 03:33 AM
That looks like it will work. The issue is the ALP is sending I believe standard TTL I/O. (+5v). Which is just not enough to drive a relay. Using that device will allow you to drive a relay based on the Vcc on the board triggering when the ALP goes high. Let us know how you make out.

Ok, just did a quick test of the relay - looks like we're in luck :)

Relay Board Inputs ;

VCC connected to +12V (car battery +ve)
GND connected to earth (car battery -ve)
CH1 connected to the ALP +5V TTL on alert (green wire)

The green LED on the relay comes on during alert, and you can hear the click of the relay activating. It remains activated all the time the alert is being played

Instructions say when relay activates, Normally Open (NO) is connected with COM (there is also Normally Closed (NC)) - confirmed with continuity check on multimeter.

06-18-2014, 05:13 AM
Ok, just did a quick test of the relay - looks like we're in luck :)

Relay Board Inputs ;

VCC connected to +12V (car battery +ve)
GND connected to earth (car battery -ve)
CH1 connected to the ALP +5V TTL on alert (green wire)

The green LED on the relay comes on during alert, and you can hear the click of the relay activating. It remains activated all the time the alert is being played

Instructions say when relay activates, Normally Open (NO) is connected with COM (there is also Normally Closed (NC)) - confirmed with continuity check on multimeter.

Great job now just remember whatever you connect is going to stay on during the entire alert as I stated in the op.