View Full Version : Help me please Updates for the Al 9? Are there any Av

03-20-2014, 05:28 PM
Hi I'm enquiring for a friend of mine who has never done any updates !
Is it possible he was asking me if there is if I could find out how to update his device!
Hence this is the Al Gen9 Not the newer model!
Hope can help him!:help::help:

03-20-2014, 05:56 PM
You will have to contact the dealer he bought it from and find out what was the latest memo card that they released. We never sold them so I dont know what was the latest.

03-20-2014, 06:21 PM
I think 20.22 or 20.24 was the newest mem card.
Should protect you against almost everything apart from DALA in ECCM and that UL 100LR pulse skip.