View Full Version : Western Australia WAPOL News - Laser Detector Detectors lolololol

03-17-2014, 04:10 AM
Skip to 0.51 Seconds and have a listen to what she has to say lol


03-17-2014, 04:30 AM

Cop was lying, you could see it haha.
That was 2-3 years ago?
No one we know has been pulled over lol.

Probs confused it with a Spectre which WAPOL doesn't use for enforcement due to the RD banning laws being shot down haha.

03-17-2014, 04:32 AM
I didn't even have to watch the video laser detector detector ...this was going back a while ago ..im sure she was meaning radar detector detector

the best part of the video is that they use a hand held on a tri pod obviously for the media

03-17-2014, 05:28 AM
I didn't even have to watch the video laser detector detector ...this was going back a while ago ..im sure she was meaning radar detector detector

the best part of the video is that they use a hand held on a tri pod obviously for the media

Must have worked a treat :rolf:
RD's are still legal, Parking sensors are still legal.

You seen them with it on a TriPod Deano or have the phased out Trucams for VPS

03-17-2014, 05:40 AM
only tripods is see is with poliscan and they do still run the trucam on a tripod but I spoke to curgan another member who was on rdf who was testing with an operator the operator hated the trucam because it took to long to reset itself or reboot after a curtain lengh of time or even if it got jammed operators seem to get annoyed when they have to get up to do a reset not like the poliscan as its all done with a labtop

my self past a couple or trucams with tripods but the operator is busy reading the paper or catching some zzzzzzz

while out on brake downs ive seen the trucam in action no tripod winter also has vids with the trucam with some motor bike cops no tripod ...out of hundred of handheld ive seen there has only been twice with the trucam only because it has the in built video

03-17-2014, 05:44 AM
winter also has vids with the trucam with some motor bike cops no tripod ...out of hundred of handheld ive seen there has only been twice with the trucam only because it has the in built video

Yep, I was pinged by two bike cops sitting under a freeway bridge with the TruCam (free hand). Had the HP-905's at the time (annouces 'TruCam VPR mode')

03-17-2014, 05:57 AM
i have never seen once a leo or an operator shoot lidar manually using a tripod

03-17-2014, 07:11 AM
Only seen them using Trucam here twice and both times were on tripod

03-17-2014, 08:33 AM
Only seen them using Trucam here twice and both times were on tripod

In bushes in the centre island or on over passes while sitting in deck chairs?

Oh I spoke with someone who recently got pinged by the deck chair cop operating TruCam.
They nab you on a pretty sharp angle..

03-17-2014, 08:43 AM
The report both starts and ends with stating that the government will triple it's revenues. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

03-20-2014, 05:35 AM
In lovely downtown Albany at the moment have seen no action yet here over in the west

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03-20-2014, 05:41 AM
come a little further north would love to meet up yep still a 5 hour drive LOL ....if your driving a diesel I have well over 500 litres stored away i will fill you up and give you some to take away

my mother n law lives in Denmark very nice down there

03-20-2014, 05:44 AM
good to hear from ya :encouragement:

03-20-2014, 06:24 PM

Cop was lying, you could see it haha.
That was 2-3 years ago?
No one we know has been pulled over lol.

Probs confused it with a Spectre which WAPOL doesn't use for enforcement due to the RD banning laws being shot down haha.

heheheheheheheheheheheheheh thats my 2cents

03-20-2014, 06:38 PM
come a little further north would love to meet up yep still a 5 hour drive LOL ....if your driving a diesel I have well over 500 litres stored away i will fill you up and give you some to take away

my mother n law lives in Denmark very nice down there
Will be going through Denmark today then up to busselton for a few days then back to freo loving the trip so far

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03-21-2014, 11:39 AM
freo is only about 1 hour from me

03-21-2014, 10:38 PM
Will be going through Denmark today then up to busselton for a few days then back to freo loving the trip so far

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in Denmark go to a place called greenspool lovely little beach me and the wife use to spend hours down there

03-21-2014, 10:46 PM
Went to Williams bay very pretty and now in busselton only one good old boy using an ultralyte near pemberton thanks to the local who gave me the headlight flash

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