View Full Version : Current QLD road laws / Speed Enforcement Devices

02-11-2014, 08:43 PM
Long read but if you jump to page 64, you will get to the section with lists what photocam devices are legally able to enforce speeds in QLD.

Page 86 - Part 5 is of interest....
Suggests there is a poliscan at the Clem7 entry... (where the tollway scanner is).

Schedule 10 Approved photographic
detection devices
section 208
Part 1 Analogue redlight camera
Gatso redlight camera system models GTC-F and RLC 36
Part 2 Analogue speed camera
Gatso speed camera system model Radar AUS 24
Part 3 ANPR camera system
a camera system that is designed and marketed as an
automatic number plate recognition camera system
Part 4 Digital redlight camera system
Gatso redlight camera system model RLC GS
Redflex redlight camera system model RL101

Part 5 Digital speed camera system
Gatso speed camera system models Radar AUS GS, RS-GS2
and RS-GS11
LTI speed camera system model LTI 20-20 TruCAM
Redflex speed camera system model MR101
Robot speed camera system models Multaradar CM,
Multaradar SD480 and Multaradar SD580
Vitronic speed camera system model Poliscan Speed
Part 6 Digital combined redlight and
speed camera system
Gatso combined redlight and speed camera system model
Redflex combined redlight and speed camera system models
SR101, SR102, SR103, SR104, SR105 and SR106
Robot combined redlight and speed camera system models
Traffistar SR420, Traffistar SR490, Traffistar SR520 and
Traffistar SR590
Part 7 Digital point-to-point camera
Redflex point-to-point camera system models P2P101,
P2P102, P2P103, P2P104, P2P105 and P2P106

If anyone can find the list of handheld LIDAR devices?

02-11-2014, 09:10 PM
Information is just examples of how it should read notice date is the same on all examples

02-11-2014, 09:16 PM
Information is just examples of how it should read notice date is the same on all examples

It still suggest to me that they might have been using Poliscan for ages now.
Its dated 2011.

Bowen Hills M7 lane 4 towards the camera, 80 speed limit zone.
The only spot that could be is the Tollway which is rather handy to know...