11-21-2013, 11:23 AM
While I want this forum to be completely Drama Free & BS Free I keep getting attacked for having YellowCab part of this site. The reason I was banned from RDF was because I would not cut off ties to YellowCab.
I was given this ultimatum on 11/4 right before RDF banned me:
We want to offer you one last chance to break ties with YC, radarrob and RRedRocket. The choice is yours - we cannot force you to do anything on your own websites, but we don't have to allow you a continued presence on ours. Please let us know your decision by 10pm EST on Monday November 4th.
Now let me share a story with you all that shows who the real YellowCab is in my opinion. Back when Hurricane Sandy hit NJ, A Forum Member at the time being in NJ as well as us were preparing for the storm. I had already had a generator and The Member had just bought his first. We stayed in touch throughout the night until we all lost power. To make a long story short I ended up being one of the lucky ones with no major damage I and was only without power for around 3 1/2 days. As soon as my power was restored I lent out my generator to another friend of mine who was not lucky and ended up without power for 2 weeks.
I had spoken with The Member the day after I lent out my Generator when his Generator suddenly seized on him and it was impossible to find a replacement generator anywhere. It was freezing and I was already having over 20-30 people on a given night staying with me because we had power and heat and I made an offer to him and his wife to come over even though I was out of room but he ended up staying in his flooded home. He was lucky enough to have a neighbor that had lent him their generator while they away but they were coming back the next day and he had to give it back.
Being the person I am I called everyone I knew to find anyone with a Generator that would lend one to this member. I could not see him staying in a cold damn home without any power. After calling everyone I knew and stuck out I ended up calling YellowCab who at this point I had only met him once at a meet and asked him if he by any chance had a generator to lend this member and to my surprise he said he had one and was willing to loan it out. I drove the 70+ miles to his home to pickup this generator and not only did he have the Generator waiting for pickup he had Gas containers filled up with gas, Blankets, Batteries, Lanterns, Garbage Bags, Etc.
I drove the 70+ miles back home and then to the members home to delivery the generator which was used until power was restored over a week or so later.
Many have their issues with YellowCab for one reason or another but that has not been my experience and I would not break ties with someone that has never done anything wrong to me or anyone that I personally know. When I mentioned I was working with AntiLaser on the AL Priority he was there from the beginning with Pre-Testing and more testing and never asked for a thing in return.
I do not want to add Drama to this site but I just wanted to share my experience with him.
I was given this ultimatum on 11/4 right before RDF banned me:
We want to offer you one last chance to break ties with YC, radarrob and RRedRocket. The choice is yours - we cannot force you to do anything on your own websites, but we don't have to allow you a continued presence on ours. Please let us know your decision by 10pm EST on Monday November 4th.
Now let me share a story with you all that shows who the real YellowCab is in my opinion. Back when Hurricane Sandy hit NJ, A Forum Member at the time being in NJ as well as us were preparing for the storm. I had already had a generator and The Member had just bought his first. We stayed in touch throughout the night until we all lost power. To make a long story short I ended up being one of the lucky ones with no major damage I and was only without power for around 3 1/2 days. As soon as my power was restored I lent out my generator to another friend of mine who was not lucky and ended up without power for 2 weeks.
I had spoken with The Member the day after I lent out my Generator when his Generator suddenly seized on him and it was impossible to find a replacement generator anywhere. It was freezing and I was already having over 20-30 people on a given night staying with me because we had power and heat and I made an offer to him and his wife to come over even though I was out of room but he ended up staying in his flooded home. He was lucky enough to have a neighbor that had lent him their generator while they away but they were coming back the next day and he had to give it back.
Being the person I am I called everyone I knew to find anyone with a Generator that would lend one to this member. I could not see him staying in a cold damn home without any power. After calling everyone I knew and stuck out I ended up calling YellowCab who at this point I had only met him once at a meet and asked him if he by any chance had a generator to lend this member and to my surprise he said he had one and was willing to loan it out. I drove the 70+ miles to his home to pickup this generator and not only did he have the Generator waiting for pickup he had Gas containers filled up with gas, Blankets, Batteries, Lanterns, Garbage Bags, Etc.
I drove the 70+ miles back home and then to the members home to delivery the generator which was used until power was restored over a week or so later.
Many have their issues with YellowCab for one reason or another but that has not been my experience and I would not break ties with someone that has never done anything wrong to me or anyone that I personally know. When I mentioned I was working with AntiLaser on the AL Priority he was there from the beginning with Pre-Testing and more testing and never asked for a thing in return.
I do not want to add Drama to this site but I just wanted to share my experience with him.