View Full Version : Here is Gig's Welcome post!

11-18-2013, 06:50 PM
I am happy to have received an email today from BRD telling about this new forum. I have bought from this company and learned to like/trust them - so I think it's pretty cool they have reached this point. I should have been here sooner but I forgot it was coming and had lost track.

I look forward to another place to learn more about tactics, advice and products that can help me drive better in this dangerous world.

I'll be doing all I can to contribute to, and learn from my forum friends. I just know I'll recognize a lot of you from our other haunts...

peace and gods speed!:eyebrows:

gosh, my scary first post is out of the way now...

******************* my sig *******************
RedLine (new 9/2013)
MAX (new 7/2013)
9500ix (new 10/2012)
8500X50 (new 8/2009)
FuzzBuster (new...? haha)
GoPro3 Hero
45c H&K C1

11-18-2013, 06:56 PM
Thanks for becoming a member and checking it out. If I can be of any additional assistance please dont hesitate to let me know.

11-18-2013, 07:06 PM
Welcome to the forum. Looks like you have an addiction to Escort. Please share your experiences with us.

11-18-2013, 08:11 PM
Welcome the forum.

11-18-2013, 08:15 PM
Welcome to the forum. Looks like you have an addiction to Escort. Please share your experiences with us.

I finally replaced the computer I used to purchase them with. I could only type "e" in search engines. NOW I can use the "V" key and all of the rest of them too!

I intend to buy Parking sensors soon as well as pick up a V1 since Francky has invented a new game for it.

I intend to learn as much as I can before more buying goes down ;) (notice I bought the RedLine AFTER I had the max (Hmmm, you surely know why)

******************* my sig *******************
RedLine (new 9/2013)
MAX (new 7/2013)
9500ix (new 10/2012)
8500X50 (new 8/2009)
FuzzBuster (new...? haha)
GoPro3 Hero
45c H&K C1

11-18-2013, 08:51 PM
welcome aboard

11-19-2013, 06:51 AM
Welcome............BRD is the only business I trust completely in this industry as he places the best interests of his customers ahead of gaining short term profit. You've come to the right place

11-19-2013, 07:24 AM
Welcome to the forum :)

11-19-2013, 08:03 AM
Hello GIG4 & Welcome to the Forum.